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ReligionProf's avatar ReligionProf

New Reviews of Christmaker

Two new reviews have appeared online about Christmaker: A Life of John the Baptist. Dave Courtney writes about my book: Every once in a while I come across a book that I finish, set down, and immediately want to discuss with everyone and anyone....

Good Faith Media's avatar Good Faith Media

DEI in the Church

What I know to be true–especially now–is that if churches want to live out the Gospel in their communities, they have a responsibility to create safe spaces for marginalized people. And to do that, change is not an option. It is a requirement. The...

Good Faith Media's avatar Good Faith Media

Amid a Perfect Storm

On January 20th, we will observe two significant national events–Trump’s inauguration and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I don’t know that I could ever imagine a greater dichotomy than that represented by these two men: their lives and legacies,...

Feminists Studies in Religion's avatar Feminists Studies in Religion

Becoming Weird, Becoming Woman

By Jaeda Calaway. She stands with hands raised to each side, crayon marks on her face, an ill-fitting dress with paint stains, and hair haphazardly cut short. She is “Weird Barbie.” She offers “Stereotypical Barbie” a choice represented by the...

Political Theology's avatar Political Theology

The Domestic Pain behind October 7

When Israel fights Hamas, very little is left for Mizrahim and women, but these two domestic Others of Israeli society are there as a form of resistance to the globalized lexicon of “War on Terror.” Both enable conceptualizing Gaza also in domestic...

Good Faith Media's avatar Good Faith Media

Carter, Trump and the Kennedy Paradigm

If my theory about the Kennedy paradigm is correct, Nixon’s prevarications focused voters’ attention on morality, leading to the election of Carter in 1976. A similar conclusion might be drawn regarding Biden’s election in 2020. Weary of Trump’s...

Wabash Center Blog's avatar Wabash Center Blog

Being Human in an AI World

Recently I attended the Wabash Center’s Curiosity Roundtable, where we heard from Dr. Iva Carruthers in one session. Her presentation was titled “AI and Ubuntu in the Age of Metanomics.” […]

Religion and Politics's avatar Religion and Politics

Protest and Politics

Two new biographies enhance our knowledge of John Lewis, the late congressman and civil rights hero The post Protest and Politics first appeared on ARC: Religion, Politics, Et Cetera.

Feminism and Religion"'s avatar Feminism and Religion"

The Grandfathers, part 2 by Sara Wright

Yesterday’s post which you can read here, ended with this line from the Grandfather, “The young people will become confused and when all is finally lost then the Creator will return to restore not just the Tewa but all tribal peoples to the land.”...

The Other Journal's avatar The Other Journal

What If Your Church Has Everything It Needs?

Churches don’t close because they lose their vision (or fulfill it), and they don’t close when they get too small. Churches close their doors when they run out of money. Often the demise of a congregation is dressed up in other language, but the...

Political Theology's avatar Political Theology

Simone Weil’s Queer Form

Rather than starting from a diagnostic superficiality of her image, a seemingly inevitable lure as evidenced by the myriad books about Weil that display her photo on their cover, when we really dwell with Weil’s writing in relation to her...

Feminism and Religion"'s avatar Feminism and Religion"

The Grandfathers, part 1 by Sara Wright

Moderator’s Note: Sara wrote this in 2019. This is its first publication and has grown all the more pertinent now. Sapawe is an ancestral Tewa Pueblo located outside of El Rito. Until this weekend I had never been to the ruin. I didn’t know, for...

Reading Religion's avatar Reading Religion

Four Books on Anabaptist and Mennonite Studies

By Maxwell Kennel Anabaptist and Mennonite studies is a broad interdisciplinary conversation with distinct subfields and institutions with differing approaches to its study, several of which intersect with the scholarly... READ MORE The post Four...