1 Sep 2022Critique in the Study of Religion: Past, Present, and Future #naasr2022 ONLINE (PRE-CONFERENCE) PROGRAM Saturday, November 12, 2022 (Virtual Only), 3:00 pm EST (followed by a virtual happy hour) NAASR Keynote Address: Mitsutoshi Horii (Shumei...
Culture on EdgeBy Matt Sheedy This is part-two of a two-part response to Watts and Mosurinjohn’s essay “Can Critical Religion Play by Its Own Rules? Why There Must Be More Ways to Be ‘Critical’ in the Study of Religion,” which recently appeared in the Journal of...
Culture on EdgeBy Matt Sheedy This is part-one of a two-part response to Watts and Mosurinjohn’s essay “Can Critical Religion Play by Its Own Rules? Why There Must Be More Ways to Be ‘Critical’ in the Study of Religion,” which recently appeared in the Journal of...
Indigenous Values InitiativeWe are now accepting applications for partnership and collaboration with The Doctrine of Discovery Project. We are interested in publishing original essays roughly 1,000-3,000 words in length for doctrineofdiscovery.org. Applicants must have...
Craig Martin[Note: this could be kinder, longer, more detailed, and better written, but I’m super busy and have to move on to other projects on my summer to-do list. Sorry, Galen, that my response couldn’t have been more constructive.] In “Can … Continue...
Indigenous Values InitiativeThe Healing Power of Lacrosse // March 24th 7-8PM Haudenosaunee Nationals Lacrosse Women’s Team A conversation with Cassandra Minerd, Claudia Jimerson, Leo Nolan, and Rex Lyons. 8-9PM Haudenosaunee Nationals Lacrosse & Team Ireland Rex Lyons, and...
Englanded WorldsOpposed or Allied Magisteria? : Theologies, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences Entangled Worlds: Sovereignty, Sanctities and Soil, Recipient of the Connaught Global Challenge Initiative, aims to address issues relating to new populisms, sanctity and...
Indigenous Values InitiativeTranscript of Jake Edwards portion of the talk 1:34:35-closing. Thank you to Andrea L. Smith for the transcript. (Download as PDF)
Englanded WorldsInThe Charismatic Gymnasium, Maria José de Abreu examines how Charismatic Catholicism in contemporary Brazil produces a new form of total power through a concatenation of the breathing body, theology, and electronic mass media. De Abreu documents a...
Englanded WorldsThe Privilege of Being Banal January 20th 2022, 12 – 2pm Register The Charismatic Gymnasium February 28th, 2022; 12 – 2pm Register The Connaught Global Challenge Initiative, Entangled Worlds: Sovereignty, Sanctities and Soil is pleased to present...
Indigenous Values InitiativeFund the Onondaga Nation School Act Now to Support Indigenous Schools New York State has consistently underfunded the three schools serving Indigenous students on their own nations for decades er=”2px” tcolor=”#ffffff” bcolor=”#8224e3″...
Englanded Worldsby Samuel Huard As an enterprise for which universality is a fundamental and continuous project, the Catholic Church has continuously expanded its presence across the world. Religious orders played – and still play – an active role in this...
Englanded Worldsby Valeria Vergani On October 30th, 2020, the Holy Infrastructures Reading Group met to discuss the interplay of two theoretical essays framed around issues of economy, sovereignty, and sociality through the nexus of material religion. The first...
Englanded Worldsby Valeria Vergani Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto, September 19th & September 20th, 2019 This two-day workshop, titled “Soil, Space and Place: Sacralizing New Nationalisms and Sense of Belonging” brought...
Englanded Worldsby Sophia Jaworski Alumni Hall, Victoria College, University of Toronto, January 17th & 18th, 2019 The Connaught Initiative, Entangled Worlds: Sovereignty, Sanctities and Soil emerged from an ethnographic moment, an emplacement in Toronto’s...
Culture on EdgeExciting news from Edge member Matt Sheedy: his new book Owning the Secular: Religious Symbols, Culture Wars, Western Fragility (Routledge, 2021) has just been published! From the Routledge site: Drawing on theories of discourse analysis and...
Indigenous Values InitiativeIn 2014 Dr. David Wilkins (Lumbee) published an essay titled “Deconstructing the Doctrine of Discovery.” (here) and Steven T. Newcomb responded with a piece titled “Toward Disestablishing the Doctrine of Christian Domination” (here). The...
Original Free NationsBy Steven Newcomb (Shawnee/Lenape) The Apache Stronghold case, regarding the Apache Sacred Site (Chi’ Chil Bildagoteel) called “Oak Flat,” is now before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The case has created global publicity, and a number of...
Culture on EdgeRecently, when I was searching books on Amazon, the site recommended Fabricating Identities — the 3rd volume in the Working with Culture on the Edge book series, edited by Vaia Touna — as a “book of interest” for me. When the Amazon page for the...
Image JournalFilmmaker Lee Isaac Chung and critic Jeffrey Overstreet in Conversation This conversation was recorded at the 2018 Glen Workshop where Lee Isaac Chung served as our screenwriting faculty. This winding discussion covers much of Chung’s filmography...
Original Free NationsPrior to the invasion of this continent by representatives of the monarchs of Western Christendom, the original nations and peoples of the continent, such as the Apache, were living their own free and independent way of life. The post Oak Flat and...
Indigenous Values Initiative…maybe the problem with religious freedom is simply that it conceals deeper political controversies—about reproductive justice in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (2014) or Indigenous sovereignty in Smith. Indeed, when the question of Indigenous sovereignty...
Image JournalFace to face with our limits, Blinking before the frightful Stare of our frailty, Promise rises Like a posse of clever maids Who do not fear the dark Because their readiness Lights the search. Their oil Becomes the measure of their love, Their...
Original Free NationsWhat “#LandBack” Leaves Out of Focus “A return to an earlier or normal condition” is one definition of the word “back.” In relation to land and Native nations or peoples, the word “back” is often expressed as, “they should give the land back to the...
Indigenous Values InitiativeTHe iconic film The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code is now streaming. You can rent or purchase the film on vimeo. The film is directed by Sheldon P. Wolfchild and co-produced by Steven T. Newcomb.
Image JournalPinoy Belem, 2013, Wayne Forte, Acrylic on linen, 36 x 24 inches The post Pinoy Belem with Red Horse, Wayne Forte appeared first on Image Journal.
Original Free NationsWar—or the act or state of exerting violence against another—is the context for the word conquest. Another way of understanding “a conquest” is, “having achieved a victory over or triumphed over an enemy.” To triumph or surmount is ‘to gain the...
Culture on EdgeWhat exactly is “bread,” and who gets to decide? Seems like a rather silly question, right? But the Irish Supreme Court has ruled that the US sandwich food chain Subway does not make their sandwiches with bread — which might be rather strange for...
Indigenous Values InitiativeForming a “More Perfect Union” Through Indigenous Values by Sandra Bigtree and Philip P. Arnold: As we are now confronted with environmental devastation, global pandemics, an economic system that fosters chaos in the world, and an inability to...
Image JournalBut by the time my father had lost his skunk-patterned hair and his fingernails yellowed, I had already found more trappings of eternity in poetry than in personified abstraction. It seemed to me that the only correct response was a slow-burning...
Craig MartinPew Research Center (2016) Median household income for blacks was 55% that of whites in 1967; the number rose to only 60% by 2014. Ira Katznelson, When Affirmative Action Was White (2005) When Social Security was signed into law by … Continue...
Culture on EdgeJust published: Hijacked: A Critical Treatment of the Public Rhetoric of Good and Bad Religion, edited by Leslie Dorrough Smith, Steffen Führding, and Adrian Hermann (Equinox, 2020). This volume is not only co-edited by our own Leslie Dorrough...
Culture on EdgeThe Religious Studies Project recently interviewed our very own Christopher R. Cotter (who also happens to be one of the co-founders of the RSP) about his recently published The Critical Study of Non-Religion: Discourse, Identification, and...
Culture on EdgeRendering Unconscious Podcast, run by Vanessa Sinclair and based in Stockholm, Sweden, recently interviewed our very own Richard Newton about his recently published Identifying Roots: Alex Haley and the Anthropology of Scriptures (Equinox, 2020)....
Culture on Edge(Confession: I’m a sucker for musicals [to the degree that I tinkered with the idea of a musical theater major in college]. Having traded my on-stage destiny for a series of religious studies degrees, however, I humbly offer a different sort of...
Image JournalOnce upon a time I thought belonging just happened, was angry or ashamed when I couldn’t experience it. But togetherness happens with practice and intention. It takes everything: pain, grief, rage, as well as my good intentions. This is even more...
Image JournalBut quarantining inside two small rooms in a retirement village has more than the intended, necessary consequence. Quarantine is a muffler, it is a black-out shade. It is the space between a daughter and her father. The singular. The plural. The...
Image JournalThe post The Breath of Life: Why Art Matters in a Pandemic appeared first on Image Journal.
Image JournalAnd then I wonder: is this the quiet that dominates the life of all those people in hiding as well? The smallness, the excessive focus on detail, the mind going around in ever smaller circles? Will deeper thoughts and grand narratives only make...
Image JournalIn these days of world pandemic caused by something that can’t be seen by the naked eye, I’m coming around to seeing this song as one of faith in our interconnectedness, our interconnectivity. The songs and drumming drifting down from balconies to...
Image JournalToday I share some of our family’s favorites—stories that reflect the power of community, the value of resilience, and the possibilities of hope—all with enough depth to engage even the adults in your family. The post Reading Together:...
Religion in American HistoryA Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) within Twentieth-Century American Studies/American History is available in the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages (ILOS) at the University of Oslo (UiO).The candidate will...
Religion in American HistoryBy Natalie Gasparowicz Natalie is a 3rd-year PhD student in the History Department at Duke University. Her research interests rest at the intersection of Catholicism, gender, sexuality, surrounding questions of birth control and reproduction in...
Religion in American HistoryGrace Doerfler is a rising sophomore at the University of Notre Dame and a history major. She is interested in the role of women in the Catholic church & oral histories of women religious. On June 23, historians, archivists, and scholars from...
Religion in American HistoryLauren Turek The Institute for Religion, Culture and Public Life recently announced a new annual competition. The Claremont Prize for the Study of Religion is dedicated to the publication of first books by early career scholars working in any...
Religion in American HistoryWe welcome this guest post from Kimberly Hill, an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Dallas, whose forthcoming book on African American Presbyterian missionaries is under contract with the University Press of...
Craig MartinI’m presently completing a book project I’ve been working on for several years, tentatively titled Discourse and Ideology: A Critique of the Study of Culture. As I’m wrapping up the project, I’ve been thinking about the consequences of the project...
Religion in American HistoryI recently exchanged emails with Cassie Yacovazzi about her new book, Escaped Nuns: True Womanhood and the Campaign Against Convents in Antebellum America (Oxford, 2018). Cassie Yacovzzi is Assistant Professor of History at the University of South...
Religion in American HistoryI emailed with Katherine Dugan recently about her new book! Katherine Dugan is an Assistant Professor of Religion at Springfield College in Massachusetts and the author of Millennial Missionaries: How a Group of Young Catholics is Trying to Make...
Religion in American HistoryToday we welcome Tim Ballard to the blog! Tim Ballard is a historian of twentieth-century evangelicalism at the University of Montana and recently defended his dissertation “The Missionary Enterprise, Racial Conflict, and the Transformation of...