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Wabash Center Blog's avatar Wabash Center Blog

Antiracism Basics: Syllabus-Level

It’s a relief to some professors to find that making their course antiracist is not simply about introducing heavy and sometimes politicized topics into class discussion. I find that moving […]

Feminism and Religion"'s avatar Feminism and Religion"

Cats Tales by Sara Wright

Awakening to an imagecattails in the marsh?When I drive bycurled brown rushescrush stiffened seed swords a few gray puffs rising  under saildull brown capsules cracked by winter coldopalescent ice crystalsmirror solid gray sheetsstretch across the...

Ken Chitwood's avatar Ken Chitwood

Reporting on faith in polarized times

In a slight departure from my usual column at Patheos (“What you missed without religion class”), I was asked by my editors to respond to the following prompt, as part of their new initiative on Faith &...

ReligionProf's avatar ReligionProf

Understanding LLMs: Conversations With Claude

It is urgent that people across all fields and disciplines respond to the appearance of Large Language Models (LLMs) and the chatbot interfaces with which humans can interact with them, but before there can be an appropriate response to LLMs,...

Feminism and Religion"'s avatar Feminism and Religion"

I Am Wicked by Chaz J.

*When I refer to Black women, I am referring specifically to descendants of African peoples that were forced to experience the dehumanization of chattel slavery in the United States. I refer to those who would build the foundation of the country,...